Heroic Witnesses: Catholic Priests and Sisters in Russia from 1917 to the Present-Gloria TV
Catholic Church in the Russian Far East- Talk and Slide Show You Tube 9/2011
Family Vocation Day Video: In August 2017, five of our sisters participated in a Family Vocation Day. Young adults, parents, and children spent the day with priests and religious orders from all across the Midwest, enjoying talks, activities, crafts, time for prayer and adoration, and spiritual direction. You can catch glimpses of Mother Julia, Sister Maria Damiana, Sister Gemma Maria, Sister Joanna Marie (a that time a postulant), and Maria.
Happy Easter from Russia! (2018) Sister Catherine Marie's Vocation Story from Religious Life Magazine, September/October 2017
Easter 2015 letter from the sisters in Russia
"Finding Christ in the Russian Far East", from Roman Echoes, published by seminarians at The Pontifical North American College in Rome (link no longer active)
Visit to Our Daughter in Vladivostok - May 2014 Letter written by Donnita and Henry Whittier, Sr. Maria Stella's parents
letter archives
IRL Conference 2012 "To Sing is to Pray Twice" Sr. Maria Stella, C.J.D.
Internet resources for 2012 IRL talk Sr. Maria Stella, C.J.D.
Heroic Witnesses: The Triumph of Persecuted Catholics in Russia
(click to order from Lighthouse Catholic Media), Sr. Maria Stella, CJD
Sister Professes Perpetual Vows - Catholic Key
New Missionary Community Serves Spiritual Needs of Catholics in Russia - Arlington Catholic Herald
To Russia With Nuns | Daily News | NCRegister.com
Adoro te Devote: Sisters in Jesus the Lord from Minneapolis Star Tribune
Sister Catherine Marie's Vocation Story from Religious Life Magazine, September/October 2017
"In a City of 7,000 Martyrs, the Faith Comes to Life Again" article in the May 23, 2017 National Catholic Register
"Finding Christ in the Russian Far East", from Roman Echoes, published by seminarians at The Pontifical North American College in Rome